Every old man believed that it was worth in his youth, fifty young people from the youth of this age and that he was young was more health and strength and courage of young people these days!!
· Some inhabitants of the planet that every family has a Gulf oil well drink it at will and had the mountains of dirhams and dollars and take them whenever you want!!
· Some young people that as long as you have the luxury car beautiful and friendly and the many funds will achieve happiness!
· Amoazlchip Some believe that every girl speaking slots in the phone is Miss World for the previous year!
· Americans believe that they can humiliate the Arab world and believes that history is able to defend Azzam and dignity!!
· Some people believe that Mercedes is at the pinnacle of luxury and Honda is the ultimate poverty and Almaksima is recklessness, and recklessness, and Allandkluser is the luxury, simplicity and sanity!!
· Think some of the girls that the older brother is more like a damned Beruksi prevent her from entering some useful Internet sites to take advantage of them!!
· People think that the rich person is required to give them a share of the money to do what they want and believe that every poor person is just a conciliatory approach taken in the political Alchatp!!
· Think some of the girls that Rashid Al Majed is a young romantic good and compassionate Kazem El Saher is the great man's heart is broken and Halim for some mythical gods of love!!
· Some bays that every Indian is a dirty cook and every Pakistani is a taxi driver and that every Filipina is coordinated and that all the flowers in the Gulf a higher level than those people!!
Many believe that music is haram and halal, but Alfalt People ..!
· Believe each Smurfs The axis of evil consisting of three persons who are شرشبيل and Handokp and Hrhor .. !
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